After 9 Months of Starving in The Wild, This Dog Finally Reunited with Her Family and She Couldn’t Get Enough of the Moment!

Featured Image Courtesy: YouTube via Good Morning America

After spending her entire life with the Cameron family, 14-year-old dog Mo still went with them on every camping and hunting trip, but because of her age and her hearing loss, she spent most of her time in the camper. It was in September of last year the family was camping in Oregon with Mo when they discovered that she had gotten out of the camper while they were hunting and had gone looking for them. By the time they realized she was gone, she was so far lost that they were unable to find her.

Not easily deterred, and overwhelmed by their love for her, the family immediately mobilized a search party. They plastered the nearby town with lost fliers and drafted locals into the search, even utilizing searchers on horseback to look for Mo. Sadly, all their efforts failed, and the family went home, completely dejected, one member short.

What the Cameron family didn’t realize though, was that all the time they were searching for Mo, she was on her own journey to find them as well. Despite her advanced age, and the fact that she is deaf, Mo wondered the mountains looking for her human companions, and in doing so survived one of the harshest winters on the mountain in history.

Image Courtesy: PalmBeachPost

It was that in June when animal rescue expert Cheri Glankler got a call from a local farmer that an elderly dog had collapsed on his property from exhaustion, she felt like she recognized it. Cheri remembered how, back in September, the town had been covered in missing posters for Mo, but could hardly believe that this could possibly be the same dog.

Cheri took Mo home and painstakingly nursed her back to health, cleaning her of the fleas and ticks she was covered in, and feeding her every two hours, as Mo had lost half of her body weight. Slowly Cheri became convinced that Mo was indeed Mo, and contacted the Cameron family. At first, they were just as skeptical. There had been many false leads in the last nine months, and they didn’t want to have their hearts broken again, but with whatever hope they had left, they decided to go see if this was indeed their beloved dog.

It was the little things that let them know that they had finally found Mo, and she had finally found them. She snuggled her nose into Cindy Cameron’s belly, and the whole family cried tears of joy at the reunion. Cheri Glankler won’t soon forget Mo either, and is starting a rescue group in her honor called, “Legend of the Paws”.

Watch the Full Story Below!!

Video Courtesy: YouTube via Good Morning America

SOURCE: PalmBeachPost

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