Kid’s Say The Darndest Things: Sometimes, They Blame Batman

One of the greatest joys of being a parent is watching your child learn about the world, and getting to see them develop language and personality. That also means getting a good laugh about some of the things that come out of their mouths though, as these ten examples from Reddit show us.

The Confused One

A few months back my wife showed a picture of herself to our 3-year-old daughter. In the picture, my wife is about 7 years old. “Do you know who this is?”

Daughter: (gasps) “That’s me when I’m bigger!”

I love that she thought this was actually possible. – Lord_of_hosts

The Animal Expert

This morning, my wife told my 3-year-old daughter that owls were nocturnal. My daughter responded, “Yes, owls are not turtles.” – Rpskin45

Image Courtesy: AliExpress

The Insincere Compliment

Son and I are playing catch. I have a terrible throw that sails over his head. I say, ‘Sorry, that was a bad throw. He stops, gives me a kind look and says, “No daddy, that was a wonderful throw.” Then takes 2 steps towards getting the ball. He stops again, turns back around and says, “When we say something nice, even when we don’t mean it at all, that’s called being polite, right?”omgwtfbob

The “Serious” Kid

My little sister was at the doctor’s office for her annual check up–she had to be somewhere around 3. The nurse was asking all the standard coordination type questions–touch your nose, put your hands up, jump, etc. Being a healthy capable little devil, she’s doing everything fine. Then, the nurse says, “stand on one foot.” My little sister looks at the nurse, looks down, and hesitates. Then she walks over and stands on one of the nurse’s feet. – amandalibre

The Demanding Child

When I was little, maybe around 4 or 5, I apparently wouldn’t stop talking so my Mum said to me, “Could you just draw a breath!?”, and I replied with, “If you get me a paper and pencil I can try.”jadlad

Image Courtesy: Hispana Global

The Humble Girl

My daughter’s first word other than the exploring of ‘ma ma’ and ‘da da’ was ‘me.’

I’d just given her a bath and dressed her in a flowery dress with a headband and shoes to match. My aunts descend on her cooing, “Who’s so pretty?”


The Misunderstood

A friend of ours was telling her son about dinosaurs and he wanted to go see one. She said “sorry honey, but dinosaurs are extinct.” He got mad and started crying and said: “dinosaurs are not stinky!”. – steve626

The Carnivore

I was on the phone with my wife discussing dinner plans and my 7-year-old informed us that “salad is ruining my life.”ghardien

Image Courtesy: Autodo

The Taker

My son just turned two and is barely saying complete words. On Halloween, we took him trick-or-treating and when someone would hold out their hand with candy, he would inspect it and if he didn’t care for what the candy was, he would look up and say  “no thank you” and then start towards the next house. It was hilarious. – TX_RocketMan

The Liar

My parents always told me that whenever someone lies their ears wiggle, and so you shouldn’t lie because everyone can see it.

When I was like 3 or 4 my mother was getting dressed and asked me if she looked nice in the dress she was wearing. I instantly replied “yeah, you look fabulous! ….” then after a short pause and an expression of panic, “my ears aren’t wiggling right?!”jhok

Watch This Kid Blame Batman

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Video Courtesy: YouTube via Laura Hopkins
Source: Reddit

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