National Guard Couple Sacrifices All Wedding Plans To Help Civilians During Hurricane Irma

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Your wedding day often takes careful planning over a long period of time.  Some girls spend their entire lives dreaming of their big day thinking about every detail from the venue, cake, and especially the dress.  It’s hard to imagine throwing away all that planning for anything. A day that requires so much attention to detail is not one you easily want to give up.

A couple in the National Guard did just that to serve their country. Lauren Durham and Michael Davis had their wedding set for the second week in September but discovered they would most likely be deployed to help with hurricane relief efforts in Florida.  Instead of being upset about the situation and complaining about it, they decided to shake things up a bit.

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They knew they were going to miss their scheduled wedding date due to helping with relief efforts so; they decided to throw their plans out the window and get married early. Many brides would balk at the idea of having to completely change all of her carefully specified plans, but Durham seemed to go with the flow of it all. Even the fact that their venue was the Orange County Convention Center and it was just a few hours before they were set to go to Florida to help residents in need.

Durham said that it started out as a joke but quickly evolved into reality. Their original wedding was supposed to be an intimate beach wedding, and she was going to wear a poufy dress to walk down the aisle. The setting ended up being an airplane hangar full of rescue vehicles and the attire their military fatigues. The witnesses and guests? Their fellow rescue workers.

Image Courtesy: Twin Cities (

They have yet to tell the guests of their wedding, and she thinks they’ll be surprised but will be understanding of why they decided to marry early. The ceremony was performed by the couple’s good friend in the Guard. The friend was luckily a notary as well. There were plenty of guests, some strangers and some friends of the couple, but all who came to help in the rescue mission. The wedding was just a bonus for all of them. Someone even managed to find a bouquet for Durham to have to walk down the aisle. There weren’t too many other decorations. The food while not typical wedding fare, was perfectly fine.  There may not be many wedding decorations around an airplane hangar; there are plenty of snacks including Skittles.

This is a couple that clearly put service before themselves and didn’t take their wedding too seriously. Understanding that the days that come after the wedding are much more important! Including the ones, they spend helping others. I think the key here to look at is to look at their attitudes. Yes, they were called into duty which you can’t ignore, but instead of complaining or being frustrated they decided to be positive and see that helping others was a higher priority for them.

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Source: Yahoo

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