Brave Boy Endures 22 Brain Operations And Is Still As Happy As Can Be!

For many of us, the idea of undergoing even one minor surgery like getting wisdom teeth removed can be terrifying. If you think back far enough, you were probably terrified on your first day of Kindergarten too. Not sure what to expect and wondering if you would be able to make new friends. Thankfully, most of us will only have to experience the terror of one of these things. For one young boy, he has not only conquered his first day of Kindergarten but also had 22 surgeries; All before the young age of five.

Dylan Lipton-Lesser is from Chesterfield County, VA. He was born 11 weeks prematurely which landed him in the NICU with many complications. He had brain infections, hydrocephalus, and some brain bleeding. In order to treat all of the life-threatening issues, doctors operated on his brain 22 times. They were not sure if he would live, but he proved to be a determined little man and has now started his first year of school. His family is incredibly grateful for the amazing team of doctors that have helped Dylan on his journey.

His moms India Lipton and Shirley Lessor were thrilled to see him hit the milestone. Lipton said the first day was overwhelming for her son, but it was overall great. Several days in he was already making friends in both his regular classes and his special education classes. Lipton said that the other boys were treating him sort of like a little brother. People are drawn to his personality and are very supportive and helpful to him which makes the transition to Kindergarten a little easier.

Due to the surgeries, Dylan had to learn things like sign language in order to communicate and also gets around using a leg brace and a walker. Other than these things, he’s just like any other 5-year-old. Unfortunately, he does have several surgeries in his future, but for now, he and his moms are loving seeing him beat the odds with this milestone.

It’s amazing how resilient children can be. With the help of talented medical teams, Dylan has proven how capable people can be. How accepting his fellow students have been of him prove that children do have genuine, kind hearts to accept those around them without judgment. We should all take a page out of Dylan and his classmate’s book and meet life with the same resiliency and gentleness of spirit.

Watch His Story Below!

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Source: Inside Edition

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