Sweet ICU Grandpa Comforts Babies (And Mothers); Makes A Loving Impact On Everybody’s Life

Featured Image Courtesy: CNN (www.cnn.com)

Over time we’ve learned that holding a baby is not only enjoyable for the adult but completely necessary for the well-being of the baby. Unfortunately, due to unseen circumstances, many mothers are unable to hold their babies every time they need it. That’s where volunteers step in and hold babies in the neonatal unit when their moms are recovering. One volunteer is making headlines, and his nickname is the ICU Grandpa.

David Deutchman is 82 years old and every Tuesday and Thursday he heads to Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta to hold and cuddle infants in the neonatal intensive care unit. His consistent visits earned him the nickname from the parents and staff mentioned above, ICU Grandpa. He says the experience has been incredibly rewarding. He says it is very gratifying not just because he helps to get the babies to stop crying, but also because of all of the benefits that the warm connection of holding a baby has. He loves the feeling of a baby putting their face against his heartbeat. He also loves the atmosphere of the hospital.

Image Courtesy: People Magazine (www.people.com)

Deutchman is a retired businessman who used to work in international business marketing. He retired a little over a decade ago and loved his free time for a while. He spent his time giving lectures at different colleges, but he soon grew bored and wanted something else to fill his time. That’s when he chose to walk into Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta and ask for any volunteer opportunities. For a year he helped in the pediatric intensive care unit and eventually was asked to assist in the NICU. Soon after he was holding babies and 12 years have gone by.

Deutchman is a family man himself who has two daughters and two grandkids. This helps him to understand that not only is the well-being of the babies important, but also their mothers. He is a shoulder to lean on as the moms worry about their little ones. He says that holding a mom’s hand is as important as holding a baby’s hand. He knows the anxiety the parents feel and is glad he can put their minds at ease so that they can take a moment to grab food or coffee.

Image Courtesy: CNN (www.cnn.com)

Each day at the hospital is something new, and Deutchman says he does his best to walk in each day with an open mind and a compassionate and warm heart towards anyone who needs it. He never knows what challenges he will be presented with, but he keeps his main goal at the front of his mind which is to make sure that people are taken care of.

Holding a baby can make a huge difference for both the child and the parents. Parents with children I the NICU already have so much anxiety about their situation, I’m sure it offers great peace of mind to know that there are volunteers to hold their baby while they take a moment to recharge with some food or coffee.

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Source: People Magazine

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