Friendship Without Borders: This Goat and His Best Friend Were Separated for 4 Days; Their Reunion Was The Most Beautiful Moment

Featured Image Courtesy: People (

For two years, a goat named Mr. G and his best friend, Jellybean, the burro lived together. The farm animals adored one another’s company but were forced to part ways when they were confiscated from a neglectful situation. Mr. G went to Animal Place’s Rescue Ranch in Grass Valley, California while Jellybean was sent to a different sanctuary.

After the separation, the little goat was immediately overcome with grief. He no longer would eat and would spend most of his time in a depression-like state. The little goat even stopped eating. Mr. G sat in the corner of his stall with his head down. The rescuers soon realized the problem was simple. The little goat missed his buddy the burrow.

The amazing volunteers wanted to see Mr. G snap back to his usual self. One volunteer made a 14-hour journey to get the burrow and reunite the best friends. The volunteers say the reunion was fantastic,

“When Jellybean entered Mr. G’s stall, he could not believe his eyes. In fact, he did a double-take! It was when he smelled Jellybean’s unique scent that Mr. G realized the truth – his dearest friend had returned.”

The two buds were together at last! The volunteer describes the genuine excitement of Mr. G and Jellybean.

“Mr. G erupted from his prone position, snorting and inhaling Jellybean‘s presence. He rushed after her into their outdoor pasture. The magical moment came when Mr. G began eating from Jellybean‘s bowl.”

Image Courtesy: Today (

It’s adorable to see the care and adoration these two furry beasts have for one another. Both animals perked right up after they were reunited. The burrow and the goat share a unique bond. Both Mr. G and Jellybean will never again suffer the pain of separation. The two will live at Animal Place permanently.

Similar to a human being, they missed one another and grieved at each other’s absence. Animals have incredibly deep and real feelings just like us. They make connections with one another and experience true emotions.

The ranch says millions of cows, pigs, sheep and other animals are born into terrible living conditions and never given the opportunity to have companionship. Many people do not understand that, just like us, animals have feelings and emotions too. They are smart and deserve to be treated ethically and as living beings.

Between 2010 and 2016, Rescue Ranch had rescued over 13,351 chickens, 25 turkeys, six sheep, seven pigs, one duck and 16 goats. The Ranch saves the animals from their current situations of neglect and finds them a new home or gives them permanent refuge at the farm.

Rescue Ranch hopes the barnyard duos epic story will inspire visitors to understand the emotional lives of animals. The ranch wants people to share Mr. G and Jellybeans story to spread awareness.

Watch The Amazing Friendship Here!

Video Courtesy: YouTube via Nat Geo Wild

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Source: Care2

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