Special Glasses Help These Cute Babies See Their Mothers for The First Time; Just Try Not to Smile!

Our mother is usually the first person we see on this planet. She is the first person we open our eyes up to as we take in the world. For these babies, however, this was not the case. Eye sight problems caused them to be unable to see their moms. But with amazing technology and the advancement of eye glasses, these kiddos get to see what their mothers and the world look like finally. The baby’s light up as they receive the gift of vision for the first time.

Thankfully, it was all captured on video. The moments are truly heartwarming.

One little bundle of joy in the U.K. had to wait three months to discover what her momma looked like – and the moment is truly priceless. The little girl named Lilly suffered from eyesight problems for her entire life. Luckily for her, technology is amazing. Through a cute pair of pink glasses, she was given the gift of sight. Lilly’s father captured the first time little Lilly puts on her glasses and looks up at her mom.

Lilly’s mom is full of happiness as she watches her daughter take in the world. Little Lilly looks up her mom and begins to giggle. The video is adorable as you watch the great mother and daughter moment. The baby never looks away from her mother during the entire video.

Four-month-old Leo has a miracle story very similar to Lilly. He has a rare condition that causes him to have vision issues. Leo was given specially made rubber glasses from his pediatric ophthalmologist. The baby boy suffers from a rare disorder called Oculocutaneous Albinism causes Leo’s skin and hair to be very fair. The condition also affects his eye sight.

He can look up at his mother and finally see her face. Leo’s entire face lights up with happiness as he sees him, mom. He looks around at his newly discovered environment, but each time his mother speaks, his vision goes straight back to her. He looks at his mom with googly eyes and seems genuinely thrilled. There “wasn’t a dry eye in the house,” said Leo’s dad as they watched the little boy look at his mother.

We don’t often think about the beauty of a baby seeing their mother for the first time, but these videos demonstrate what a touching moment it truly is.

Source: Dailymail and Parents

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