Thoughtful Boy Goes Out Of His Way To Pack And Serve Lunches To Homeless

Featured Image Courtesy: ABC News (

Many of us take for granted the lunches and other food we eat each day.  There are many who struggle each day just to find food to eat. In larger cities, it can be a bigger issue, and you’ll often see homeless people on the streets looking for food, but if you look closely, I’m sure you’ll notice it in almost every community. There are plenty of organizations that provide services to those in need, but there could always be more. A 10-year-old boy has shown us that not only can we each try to do something ourselves, but it also doesn’t matter how old you are. He noticed the homeless in his neighborhood and wanted to find a way to help them.

Liam Hannon lives in the Central Square neighborhood of Cambridge, MA which is an up and coming neighborhood of Cambridge. He started noticing the homeless and less fortunate people around him in his neighborhood and wanted to do something to help them.

He started making up meals in paper bags to hand out to people. He said he got the idea from his summer reading program and an educational website. Soon, the idea caught on, and his friends started to help him.  They gave his act of kindness an official name, “Liam’s Lunches of Love.”

Now, each week Liam and his crew make about 56 meals for the people in the neighborhood. He tries to vary up the contents and menu a little bit to keep things interesting for them. He serves peanut butter and jelly, ham and cheese, or turkey and cheese primarily. He also always includes a snack, fruit, and some water.

Liam started the lunches because of how sad the homeless people looked. Stating now when they look up and see Liam, they get a happy look because they know they’ll be getting a meal. He’s happy he’s been able to do something good for the world and his community, no matter how small.

Homelessness is an epidemic throughout our country, and the homeless community is often not treated with as much compassion as Liam has shown. He has shown all of us the importance of having a good heart and how treating someone with kindness can change their attitude and day completely. With small steps like Liam’s maybe someday we can eradicate homelessness, and everyone will have the food and shelter they need.

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Source: CBS Boston

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