Man Loses His Livelihood And Ends Up Homeless, After An Unfortunate Event Strangers Show Kindness

Featured Image Courtesy: The Orange County Register (

Losing your livelihood is an emotionally and mentally trying experience. Hopefully most of us have a steady support system around us when times get tough, but unfortunately, that’s not true for a lot of people. A California man lost his mode of transportation, way to make money, and his home all at the same time. His only family lived across the country in Indiana, and he had also recently lost his mother. The world was weighing on his shoulders when some good Samaritans stepped in to help him.

Todd Jones is an Uber driver who has an encountered much adversity in his life. He told his story to OC Register, and it is filled with ups and downs. He was not always an Uber driver in California. Years ago he was living a regular middle-class life as a correctional officer and administrator for prisons. He was married and had no issues with drinking or any drugs. This all changed when in 2004 when he was diagnosed with Crohn’s Disease. 

Image Courtesy: The Orange County Register (

The pain and emotional toll of the disease took a toll on his professional and personal life. He could no longer work because of the disease, and his wife had to work exceptionally long hours to maintain their life. Unfortunately, the issues he experienced because of the disease led to the separation of he and his wife. This sent him into a spiral of alcoholism and even an arrest due to being caught in a prostitution sting. This was a low point for him because he is a man of faith who keeps a Bible in his car.

All of this resulted in him being homeless and living in his car. Driving as an Uber driver to supplement his disability check. That all came crashing down one day when his car broke down near the freeway and then proceeded to catch on fire. Police came by and recommended that he have his vehicle towed to one of the local businesses nearby. He did that, knowing that his car and place to sleep, would likely be called in and sent to the impound within a matter of hours.

Image Courtesy: The Orange County Register (

However, the people of these businesses had compassion for him and allowed him to stay while he worked out getting a new vehicle to continue working for Uber. They even provided food and water for him. Lis Donaldson runs a medical billing firm where Jones was towed, and she has gone even further beyond the call of duty. She’s helped him to connect with people and also lent him some money that has already been paid back by his Aunt.

Even through all of this, Donaldson has been incredibly humbled and thankful for everyone’s help. He’s been able to get another car so he can continue to drive for Uber and he made enough money over one weekend to pay back his aunt and treat himself to a night in a motel. While his situation may seem dire, he’s grateful for the opportunity he has to get to know other people and for the kindness that has been shown to him. It shows that no matter our circumstances there can always be a bright side.

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Source: The Orange County Register

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