Pilot Goes 750 Miles Out Of His Way To Save A Dog Who Only Has 24 Hours To Live

Featured Image Courtesy: Metro (www.metro.co.uk)

Whenever a dog is rescued from the streets, we always look forward to a happy ending where they are taken in and then adopted immediately into a loving and happy home. Most stories we hear end up this way, but one situation almost took a different turn if it weren’t for the kindness of a stranger.

Lisa who is also known as Adrienne is a 2-year-old pup who was rescued in Oxford, NC by the Granville County Animal Shelter. She was found on the streets with a severe bladder prolapse.  This condition meant she was going to need a surgery that the shelter couldn’t afford, so they scheduled her for euthanization. They gave her 24 hours in hopes that a miracle would happen.

Image Courtesy: GoodNewsNetwork (www.goodnewsnetwork.org)

Thankfully, a wellness charity for animals called Animals R Family heard about Lisa’s situation and the decision her shelter was struggling with. Animals R Family is located in Englishtown, NJ. The organization had the $1500 needed for the pup’s surgery but now way for them to get Lisa to the animal hospital before the deadline.

Paul Steklenski is a pilot and is also in charge of a rescue organization called Flying Fur Animal Rescue. He heard about the situation and volunteered to fly the 750-mile round trip from his home in Pennsylvania to North Carolina to pick up Lisa, and then on to Westchester. Steklenski said he was exhausted by the end of the day and it was an emotional rescue because of the tight deadline he was working with. His trip meant the difference between life and death and he is so grateful that now that she can get the proper care she can be adopted and live a normal life again.

Image Courtesy: Metro (www.metro.co.uk)

After Lisa recovers from the surgery, she will be ready for adoption!  According to the Animals R Family Facebook page, Lisa is recovering from the surgery in a foster home. She is uncertain about the situation because she had never lived in a home before and never slept on a dog bed before. The foster family is working on making her feel welcome, loved, and getting used to living with a family. Animals R Family also recently adopted Lisa’s brother Astro. His vet care will be taken care of by a kind volunteer. Both dogs were dumped at a shelter, and it’s such a miracle that both dogs will be rescued. Animals R Family has an Amazon wish list if you’d like to check out the needs of the two pups.

Flying Fur Animal Rescue is an organization that flies to get pets that need to be rescued and is even helping with hurricane relief. On their Facebook page, their mission states that their purpose is to fly animals wherever they need to go through their large network of shelters, ground transport, and volunteers. They also say that their organization is used as the last chance for an animal’s survival if they are not adopted locally. The transportation is free, and they believe that “every animal life that can be saved is worth saving.”

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Source: GoodNewsNetwork

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